The Ocean Data Analytics (ODA) Lab is a research group lead by Luis Torgo that is part of the Institute for Big Data Analytics at Dalhousie University.
The mission of this Lab is to use the power of Data Science to benefit the economic, environmental, regulatory, and social aspects of the Ocean.
Our areas of interest include Spatiotemporal Analytics, Rare Events and Forecasting. We study these topics using a multitude of Machine Learning and Aritificial Intelligence methods. We have a multidisciplinary team of researchers, and are always searching for new members that share our excitment about these areas of research.
Carry out basic research useful for Ocean Data Analytics
Supervise Graduate Students
Research Projects in collaboration with the Ocean Industry
Life at the Edge - Define the Boundaries of the Nitrogen Cycle in the Extreme Antarctic Environments
A solution for data analytics in the ocean economy
A Prototype for a Multitrophic Ocean Monitoring
This paper describes our award-winning (Best Student Machine Learning Paper Award given by the Machine Learning Journal at the European Conference on Machine Learnig (ECML/PKDD’2017)) work on ensembles for time series forecasting.
This paper presents an extensive survey of predictive analytics methods for handling problems where the distribution of the target variable (norminal/classification or numeric/regression) is highly imbalanced, and moreover the less frequent values are the more relevant for the end-user.